, a virtual tour of small businesses in downtown Franklin, is renewing its membership in March 2013. The online excursion offers guests a glimpse of the unique shopping and dining options on our Main Street and beyond, and encourages them to come experience it in person.
The company is scheduling to photograph renewals this Thursday through Saturday, Feb. 28-March 2. To view our current downtown Franklin virtual tour, click here.
If you are interested in re-shooting your business, please click here to setup your time. Pricing remains the same.
More about
· is now averaging over 24,000 new and unique visitors per month.
·They are a Coalition Partner with AMEX Small Business Saturday.
·They are adding Indiana Main Streets this year.
·In late the second quarter of 2013, they are adding feature to run on iPad and iPhones.
·They are typically in the top 5 position with Google when searching shopping and related searches in our towns; 78% “organic” search
·All businesses and towns are linked together on, making it easy for consumers to find new and unique businesses and towns – like yours!
How says this benefits you:
“We connect your business with every business and town listed on We place Metadata within your SMS Shop to allow customers to Google search you! In addition, we are typically listed in the Top 10 of Google searches for general shopping in your town allowing customers to find you even if they do not know you exist!
Panoramic Tour through business that includes a Basic Website: We provide an incredible virtual look inside your business! Once inside, customers can get a 360 degree view of the inside of your business (up to 8 panoramic views)! In addition, buttons on your tour will allow you to provide information to potential customers about the products and services you offer.
Option Buttons on SMS Shop that can provide information about your business. Buttons can link to your existing website, Facebook page, open forms, brochures, menus or open “SMS Info Boxes” to provide even further information about your business.
Annual panoramic update with renewal of your SMS Shop to keep your business Up-To-Date!” is a proud partner with the following: Tennessee Main Street, North Carolina Main Street, Kentucky Main Street
For more information, please contact:
Bob Hilburn